Monthly Update: November

Earlier this month, my husband lost his job.  This was quite a blow, because in addition to his income, this means we will lose our insurance.  (I’m a millennial stuck with multiple, part time jobs in the modern “gig economy” where benefits are a distant dream.)  This is also part of the reason why I was so devastated to find out about his secret debt a few months ago.  Obviously, we couldn’t anticipate his job loss then, but that’s the point–it’s very hard to predict these things, so it’s best to be prepared.  In addition, since losing his job, my husband has had a few medical procedures done that he’s been putting off to use the HSA before the funds are forfeited.  It used the HSA funds, plus some, the balance of which we will have to come up with out of pocket.

I must admit that I’ve fallen off the year of buying nothing wagon lately as well.  Not spending for more than a few months is really hard.  You start noticing how shabby your shoes and clothes look, and then there’s a sale, etc. etc.  The last few months have been pretty stressful, and stress is a spending trigger for me and so many others.  I am recommitting to a NO SPEND DECEMBER–Holiday shopping for family members is done; cupboards are full; so, for the month of December, I will be spending money on food, gasoline, and bills only.  Of course, the occasional holiday party will come up.  We will just have to be as frugal as possible in those situations.  (We need to live life, too.)

It’s been awhile since I’ve posted anything, but that’s because there’s been a lot going on this month.  As the time demands of the holidays approach, I have decided to post less frequently from now on.  I may post a weekly “No spend December” update and resume monthly updating in January.